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Co-Operatives Urged To Support The Health Sector By Donating Blood

The co-operatives movement in the country has been called upon to come together and support the health sector by donating blood which epitomizes the essence of co-operative principle number seven; Concern for the Community.

State Department of Co-operatives Principal Secretary (PS) Patrick Kilemi also said that blood donation is not just a noble act of charity; it is a lifeline that sustains communities explaining that every drop of blood donated can make the difference between life and death for someone in need.

Speaking on Tuesday during the kick-off of the blood donation drive organized by the Ushirika Council at the Co-operative University of Kenya, Kilemi said that this principle reminds us that co-operatives are committed to sustainable development and the well-being of their communities.

‘I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Ushirika Council for their unwavering dedication and hard work over the years. Your efforts have saved countless lives and continue to make a significant im
pact on our society. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the university community for hosting this event and for your enthusiastic participation. Your support is crucial, and I urge everyone to turn out in large numbers to donate blood and support this life-saving initiative,’ said Kilemi.

The PS added that they are proud to align their efforts with the World Blood Donor Day 2024, organized by the World Health Organization, which will take place on the 14th of June. This global observance emphasizes the critical role that safe blood and blood products play in saving lives

‘Since we came into office we have made the Co-operative University our center of operation and it has been intentional because the university is the center of excellence for the cooperative sector. It should not be lost in our minds that our intention is to lift this university such that it becomes the center of reference for the co-operatives intellectual property,’ explained the PS.

Kilemi said that he has challenged the Cooperative A
lliance of Kenya (CAK) CEO that when they have resources they should sponsor some needy students at the Cooperatives University explaining that this symbiotic relationship should have some synergy which is mutually beneficial.

The PS revealed that they had gotten approval from the Treasury through the Public Service Commission (PSC) to recruit at the state department and they are targeting to recruit people with degrees from competent cooperative training institutions like the Co-operatives University.

Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) CEO Daniel Marube said that every year when they are celebrating the International Day for Cooperatives on 6th July, they organize blood donation drives which fall under the mandate of the co-operative of caring for one another.

Marube said that they target to get at least 500 pints of blood from the university alone. They will have another two days’ blood donation drive outside the Kenya National Archives on Wednesday and Thursday.

He called on co-operatives movement an
d Kenyans in general to donate blood explaining that one never knows when they will need blood donation or a member of their family.

‘When you donate blood it is like you are donating life to someone else since it is a lifesaving commodity and mostly required during emergencies,’ explained Marube.

Co-operatives University of Kenya Vice Chancellor (VC) Kamau Ngamau said that they have a population of over 10, 000 students as he called on the students to donate blood and reciprocate the honour they have been given to host the initiative.

‘It has been reported that we have a very serious shortage of blood in our blood banks where it is said that with our population we should have at least one million pints of blood donated annually but we are very far from that,’ said Ngamau.

The VC added that the blood donation drive at the university will go a long way in mobilizing more donations to save more lives and thanked CAK for choosing them to host the initiative.

Faith Muchugu a nurse from the Kenya Tissue and T
ransplant Authority (KTTA) called on Kenyans to turn up in large numbers at their blood donation centres across the country saying that there is a shortage of the essential commodity.

‘We urge all Kenyans to come and donate blood to save lives of fellow Kenyans like those involved in road accidents, cancer patients and mothers during delivery,’ said Muchugu.

She explained that there are various components of blood and if a person donates one pint of blood it saves three patients.

‘A man can donate four times a year that is after every three months, for a lady they can donate after every four months,’ she said.

Muchugu explained that the most crucial blood component required by cancer patients are the platelets which are removed from a donor through a special machine and the blood is taken back to their body.

Source: Kenya News Agency