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Day: November 1, 2022

EMGA garante financiamento de 20M USD para Banco Improsa da Costa Rica

LONDRES, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), pela segunda vez a trabalhar com o Banco Improsa, assegura uma linha de crédito de 20 milhões de dólares da Agência Espanhola de Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento – AECID (assessorada pela COFIDES). Comentando a transação,

Another fire breaks out on Africa’s highest summit, Mount Kilimanjaro

DAR ES SALAAM, Nov 1 (NNN-GNA) — Another fire has broken out on Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania, the highest mountain in Africa. The fire started on Sunday on the north-eastern flank of the mountain, Charles Ngendo, a spokesperson for the Tanzanian National Park Authority, reported on Monday. The cause

Greece: Dozens Missing After Boat Carrying Migrants Sinks

Greek authorities have launched a major search and rescue operation for dozens of migrants missing after a boat they were traveling on from Turkey overturned and sank in rough weather overnight between the islands of Evia and Andros. The coast guard said Tuesday that nine people, all men, had been