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Healthy Eating Week, 13-17 June 2022

The annual Healthy Eating Week is organised and operated by the British Nutrition Foundation. Monday, 13, to Friday, 17 June, marks the tenth year for this week long campaign and the main message this year is ‘Eat well for you and the planet’.

The foods and drinks we choose to consume are important for our health and the health of the planet. Globally, food production is responsible for about a third of all greenhouse gas emissions, uses over two thirds of fresh water and over a third of available land. Our global population is growing, with an increasing demand for food, but it is important for the health of the planet that we find ways to produce this food using less land, water, and energy. The environmental impact of different foods can vary but there are some general principles we can all follow to aim for a healthier and more sustainable diet.

This year’s Healthy Eating Week aims to help everyone learn more about what they can do to have a healthier and more sustainable diet by focusing on five themes:

Focus on fibre – for meals and snacks have more wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils

Get at least five a day – put plenty on your plate, have at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day

Vary your protein – be more creative, eat a wider variety of protein foods and choose plant protein sources more often

Stay hydrated – fill up from the tap, have about six to eight drinks a day and choose reusable or recyclable drinks containers

Reduce food waste – know your portions, aim for the right amount when you shop, cook, and eat to avoid throwing food away.

Examples of recipes from the Health Eating Week using ingredients that can be sourced locally are attached.

If you want to find out more about how to eat healthily on St Helena, to receive notice for when the next Healthy Eating Talk is taking place, or to be added to the information list, please contact Dietitian, Sarah Mattinson, via email: or via tel: 22500.

Source: St Helena Government